Monday, April 2, 2012

Baby Marc's 1st Birthday -Name Gallery

Marc and I had discussed many boy and girl names when we found out we were pregnant with our first baby. We had it narrowed down to Olivia for a girl or Marc Jr, Jack and Noah for our top three boy names. When we found out that Marc was a little boy at 16 weeks along we decided that our first born should be named after his daddy. I love Marc's name and I felt proud to have a little boy with his name. We started referring to Marc Jr. as baby Marc to distinguish who were talking about and the name stuck. If baby Marc would have had the chance to grow up I can pretty much guarantee that I would still be calling him baby Marc well into his teens maybe later.

Latin: Warlike
Latin: Warlike; hammer; defender
Popularity Rank 2011: #150

I have been thinking of what to do for Marc's first birthday. We will probably get together with friends and family to do a balloon release, I will make a cake for him and we can spend the day remembering the time we had with him. Still I was a little sad because I should be planning a big party for his first birthday and I felt I wanted to do something more to honor him on his birthday.

So I need your help to start a name gallery for him. What is a name gallery?

Well the idea is word art. You think of creative, fun, or artistic ways of “writing” out Marc’s name. For example, spelling MARC out in M&M’s, Scrabble tiles, or even a photograph collage. Then you take a digital picture of your creation and send it back to us. We will be collecting these pictures and will order a bound photo book to forever cherish!
You can be as crazy or creative as you want as long as his name is in the photo it works. You can submit one or several photos including Marc's name. You can use any version of his name:

Marcus Alan Johnson Jr
Baby Marc
Marcus Alan Johnson Jr

Anything goes as long as it is his name. I cannot wait to see what you all come up with! Feel free to have others you know share in the fun too – we would be honored to know that everyone, even those that don’t know us personally, are also thinking of our baby Marc. Plus, the more pictures we receive the more we get to see our son’s name written! We’ll want to unveil his gallery book on his 1st birthday so we’re putting a deadline on submissions of June 5th.
So, start those creative juices flowing!

Please send your creations (high-resolution photo, or link to photo) in an email @

If you need examples here is a fellow baby loss mom's name gallery for her son Jason.

Another baby loss mom's name gallery for her daughter Hadley.


  1. I stole your idea and am going to do this for my son's due date. His birthday is in the winter so that wouldn't be as 'fun!' Thank you so much for sharing the idea!!

  2. Great! Let me know how it turns out for you :)
